1. a person or thing that lies outside. 2. a part of a formation left detached through the removal of surrounding parts by erosion.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WTF2: Is this a joke?!?

Im not exactly sure what folks over at the ABA have been sniffing but this is just beyond absurd! Apparently they now give out awards to sycophants who make a laughing stock of the DoJ? oh wait maybe he does deserve an award! LOL

Northern exposure, how high?

I wonder if these two could get away with this if they weren't A&F models? Hooray for skittles!

UAE gang bang

The decision on this remarkable case has been rendered and while the verdicts do appear rather lenient to say the least I think the case is extraordinary for what it has brought to light. I visited Dubai twice last year and both times I was taken aback by the rather bold sexual 'solicitation' occurring on streets, in the airport, restaurants, hotel lobbies towards men and women... ! Its not that I have a problem with it at all but it is unusual considering the avowed and contradictory prohibitions on 'deviant' sexual behavior within both private and public spheres oddly I found non-responsiveness (for fear of potential consequences) yielded more predatory, aggressive behavior ranging from unseemly crouch grabbing to more physically threatening hand gestures, spitting, even lunging, etc. Im guessing I was skirting the chasm of protection between western visitor and mid-level migrant white-collar worker. (Gay) friends living there told me of many examples of sexual and physical assaults taking place quite publicly amidst an atmosphere of invisibility, powerlessness and accusatory sexual repression in which the state apparatus turns a blind (or in some cases) cruelly vengeful eye towards non-native (south and south-east Asian) migrant victims of all socioeconomic stripes. This case is unique in that the( white European) victim (and his well-connected mother) was rather empowered to speak up and resist the state's repeated attempts to silence him. Even so he was forced to leave the country for fear a potential state action to prosecute him for being gang-raped (ie., forced homosexuality)! Its an interesting counterpoint to a similar case involving a female Saudi teenager and her male partner who were prosecuted after being gang-raped in Saudi but I haven't been following this one that closely.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Republicans' 'Diversity Through Imported Africans' Plan Criticized

Toys to avoid

anything with beads that turn into the "date rape" drug, GHB, when swallowed...

No but seriously, who would jesus waterboard?

The Central Intelligence Agency in 2005 destroyed at least two videotapes documenting the interrogation of two Qaeda operatives in the agency’s custody, a step it took in the midst of Congressional and legal scrutiny about its secret detention program, according to current and former government officials.

More on the moral bankruptcy of the Bush church.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Sustaining me through another arduous work day ... filthy dirty electro house music

WTF 1: Eco-friendly kangaroo farts could help global warming: scientists

For fook-sake, can we all just learn to drive a little less in smaller vehicles if only to avoid this kind of silliness!

Romney's extremist appeal

I can't say I was terribly impressed with his appeal to the taliban wing of the Republican party to accept him and his latter day saints. The sentiments of religious freedom, pluralism and a secular public sphere he needed to play to are completely anathema to these fundamentalist crazies - their wet dream is a wahabist-style christian theocracy. Like the salafist jihadi who despises divergent strains of Islam, the christian fundies hate mormons only slightly less than they hate atheists, wiccans, gays, muslims, catholics, jews, episcopalians . . . lest we forget we are all going to burn, damned to some imaginary hell unless we accept their bizzare biblically contrived and farcical worldview. where is the love again? :-p

Israeli (war criminal) avoids UK arrest threat (justice)

I find it galling that people like Dichter are allowed to travel freely through Europe having ordered atrocities like Salah Shehade's assassination in 2002. This genocide bombing (by US-taxpayer funded F-16 and missile) resulted in the senseless murder of more mothers and toddlers than terrorists. Prosecute away!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Center for Constitutional Rights - Censored Ad

CCR ad banned by Fox

Left incredulous!


Scheer on the latest appalling breach of public trust

Are we finally ready for impeachment hearings? (yet another stark reminder why Hillary should not be the nominee ... for the dems' that is)

Padma as post-modern Lakshmi


MIA - jimmy JIMMY!!!!

the crescendo hits its peak and screams onto the stage...
MIA at the 930 club -- totally unexpected as the show was sold out, a friend found an extra ticket and I was off. the frenetic energy was palpable and reverberating I emerged realing from her vital lyrics and powerful beats. I wish I had made it on stage when I had the chance, Im SO happy I got to hear songs from Kala (the latest album) live, she puts on an amazing show!

family filler

TIS THE SEASON for challenging issues of family, home, religious fervor recurrent, perennial struggles of my existence. having chosen divergent paths from a young age from siblings and a parent's intended path, its difficult to feel closeness when worldviews are so diametrically opposite and opposed -- one coping mechanism was to recognize 'family' as the social construct it is , societally formulated, culturally specific and determined, biologically indeterminate. and yet we do on some level share much, immigrant experiences hoisted upon 'us' - we approached the matter, the questions differently/similarly and in some cases, in dichotomously oppositional, antagonistic ways. Confounded by familial love, learning to accept differences can be challenging, Tis the season to get the fuck away (as I have the last 7 years), merry x-mas!

the beginning

the advent of my new blog ... ideas, events, rants, raves, thoughts, silliness and whatever the fuck else I/you/others want to post.